The Entrepreneur Game is one of the top 5 gifts for entrepreneurs according to
Have you ever noticed that kids are innately entrepreneurial? Sure, their creations mostly never end up on Shark Tank, and hearing teenage entrepreneur stories and kid entrepreneur stories is still the exception, not the rule.
But kids, in general, want to create. When they find a problem, they focus in on it and they want to come up with a way to solve it (even if it means emptying your cupboards of ingredients to attempt to make a new kind of slime to sell).
Kid entrepreneur kits can help encourage your child’s natural entrepreneur tendencies. Not only will your kid’s eyes light up when you give one to them, but they’ll be able to get some guidance from real business owners.
I’m going to share with you 5 kid entrepreneur kits, and then several of my favorite teenage and kid entrepreneur stories for some inspiration (plus tips).
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