Did you know that when God created the heavens and the Earth, He had a business plan? Seriously. The Word says, All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev 13:8 NKJV)
This means that before God created anything, He planned out everything. For example, God knew He would create man, so before he did, He spent the first five days creating the systems that would sustain man. Before that, the Lamb was slain so that man, who would fall, would be able to be reconciled to Him. Even before God created man, He knew man would need to be able to breath oxygen, have a circulatory system, a digestive system, eyes to see, ears to hear, senses that would allow for exploration of this physical world. God planned all of this out before He created anything. When you are creating your business in the earth, you need a business plan too! You need to create as God created, because you are made in His likeness and image.
There are many books written about the prosperity that is in Christ and how God longs to give it to us. Scriptures declare that God has provided everything that we need that pertains to life and to godliness; however, what are the step by step instructions on how to receive it and walk in it? If God's desire is for us to the be head and not the tail, how do we walk in that...what do we do specifically to possess the land and walk in the promise? This book is revelation from the throne room of God. Not only are we New Creations in Christ, created in God's likeness and image, but dominion over the earth is declared upon us and imparted to us by God Himself.
Now is the time to walk in the manifestation of that dominion. We know His will, but we must also know His ways in order to walk into the inheritance that is bestowed upon us in Christ. How does God operate? When God does a work, how does He accomplish it? When God created everything seen and unseen, how did He do it? This book will show you, from Old Testament and New Testament, how God does what He does and what we must do to operate in the earth like Him. For Entrepreneurs: this book will help you create, form and establish an Anointed business that cannot fail. For the Body of Christ: this book will show you how God has designed us to operate in the earth so that we can walk in the manifested glory of Christ every day of our lives.