The Entrepreneur Game by EESpeaks; game night will never be the same!
Create a business and travel the path making business decisions to grow and expand your business. Accumulate the highest Net Worth by the end of the game and win. The game is over when all active players have made it to the finish space. Accumulate $1,000,000 in assets and you are crowned MOGUL OF THE YEAR!
Open board and place on a flat surface.
Separate the cards into four stacks of the same color and names. Place each stack of cards on the game-board spaces of the same color, name and size with the name of the deck facing up.
Each player chooses a playing piece. Place that piece on the ‘START’ space.
Choose one player to be the Banker. That person will make transactions on behalf of the bank when the game instructs. Each player receives $20,000 from the bank to begin the game (One $10,000 bill and two $5,000 bills). The banker receives a $10,000 bonus to start the game for being the banker. If more than one player wants to be banker, roll one die and the highest role becomes banker. If two people roll the same highest number, they roll again until one of them rolls a highest number than the other.
First, Choose Your Business
On a piece of paper, each player chooses the type of business they will open to start the game and write it down on your paper. You must give your business a name also.
Home Based Business or Brick & Mortar
Choose whether you establish a Home Based Business (a business that you run out of your home) or a Brick & Mortar Business (a business that you rent a location away from home).
Home Based Business
To qualify, you must tell the other players what your business is and explain how it can be done from home. The rest of the players must agree that it is reasonable to run your business out of your home.
- If you choose a Home Based business, on your initial turn, you must move your game piece on path #2.
- To initially start a Home Based Business, it will cost you $10,000. The Bank will not loan you money to start a Home-Based business. You must pay cash.
- When you land on or pass a “Pay Day”, you collect your business profits from the Bank.
- You can only have a maximum of three (3) home based businesses at any one time during the game.
Brick & Mortar Business
You can choose to start a Brick & Mortar Business. This is a business at a location that you rent/purchase outside of your home.
- If you choose a Brick &Mortar business, on your initial turn you must move your game piece on path #1.
- To start a Brick & Mortar Business will cost you $50,000. You may take out a bank loan of up to $50,000 to pay for your business (you can use all, part or none of the cash you start the game with to help start your brick & mortar business).
- When you land on or pass a “Pay Day”, you collect your business profits from the Bank. On Pay Day, if you have a bank loan, you must pay the Bank $5,000 to cover the business loan of your business, until the entire loan is repaid. Record your payments on your player sheet.
- Once you repay the bank loan fully, you own your Brick & Mortar business and no longer have to pay the bank (unless you get a loan for an additional business).
*You may skip ONE payment on your Bank loan, but on the next payday the Bank will call for the entire balance of your loan due. If you cannot pay your balance in full, you are bankrupt and you lose that business. If that was your only business, you must start the game over from the beginning, start of the game rules apply. If that was not your only business, you can continue the game from where you are. *See bankruptcy rule.
You may have only one bank loan out at a time.
Each player rolls both dice. The player with the highest roll goes first; second highest roll goes second and so on. If two players roll the same number, those two players roll again and the highest roll goes first between them.
Before you roll, you must make all of your business decisions and business deals.
- You can retain a lawyer.
- You can put money into your Marketing Account.
- You can try to invest in another players business.
- You can try to get someone to invest in your business.
- You can establish another business (if you have the finances or can find a player to invest).
- You can form a separate partnership with other willing players and start businesses.
- Use your imagination; you’re an Entrepreneur!
Decide how much of your current cash you want to spend on marketing and place the cash on the board in a pile in front of you. Make sure the Marketing money is kept separate from any other money, including your own. Any marketing money that is still in your pile when you end the game goes to the bank.
You can increase the money in your marketing pile before your roll, on your turn but you can never take money out of your pile unless directed by the Marketing Card. The success or loss of your marketing money will be controlled when you land on a “Marketing’ space and draw a Marketing Card. Follow the directions on the Marketing Card.
You may start a new business at any point in the game, on your turn. You must pay the cost of starting the business.
Home Based Business Cost $10,000
Brick & Mortar Business Cost $50,000
When you start the game, if you open a home based business, you must purchase a house. The House is $20,000. Each home-based business you open after that is $5,000. You may obtain a bank loan to open your second business, but must pay on your loan on every payday you past in addition to your current loans. You can pay off Bank loans at any point in the game without additional penalty. Bankruptcy rules apply.
Bankruptcy Rules
*If you do not pay your Bank Loan IN FULL on any Pay Day, on the next Pay Day the Bank will call for the entire balance of your loan due. If you cannot pay your balance in full, you are bankrupt; you lose that business. If that was your only business, you must start the game over from the beginning, start of the game rules apply. If you bankrupt twice in the game, your game play is over.
*Keep a record of all business transactions: debt totals and repayment totals on paper.
*Once your loans have been repaid to the Bank, you own that property. The value of your PAID OFF PROPERTY are;
Home Based: $60,000 for the first business, $25,000 for each additional home-based business
Brick & Mortar: $150,000 for each brick & mortar location
Borrowing Money on Property
For basic game play, the answer is no. Since you can only have one loan from the bank, there is no need. However, advanced players can adjust these rules at the beginning of the game to add additional challenges and expansion.
Selling your business (es) to the Bank
You must always maintain at least one active business to continue playing in the game. You may sell any of your businesses back to the bank for any reason.
Home Based $10,000 each
Brick & Mortar (If you own it) $75,000 each
Brick & Mortar (If you do not own it) $25,000 each
Card Types; Wild Card, Trump Card, Marketing Card and Losses
(When you land on one of these spaces, pick the card corresponding to the space you landed on and follow the directions on the card.)
When you land on or pass a Pay Day, each of your businesses get paid. To find out how much to receive from the Bank for your business profits;
Roll one die for each Home Based Business you own and multiply your roll by $1,000. This is how much profit you received. Collect money from the Bank.
Roll both die for each Brick & Mortar Business you own and multiply your roll by $2,000. This is how much profit you received. Collect money from the Bank and then pay on any debts.
The Bank will pay out all money and receive all fines/fees that are not specified to go to another player. The Bank is never out of money. The Bank can issue I.O.U’s to players in place of money until the Bank has enough paper money to cover the payouts.
You may offer any type of deals to the other players (not the Bank) to increase your business. You may borrow money from other players if a deal can be struck, you can go into business with another player you can invest in another players businesses if you can strike a deal. You can secure any business deal you like with any number of players you like if there is agreement between you and the player.
Use your imagination.
Players may jointly own a business. Rules of setting up the business apply. For jointly owned businesses, when either owner receives income or pays penalties, all owners share in the profits/losses.
If you reach the finish line before another player you are in business with, you still collect your profits (and share in losses) from their business dealing.
When landing on this space, you get to ask any player one question about their business. If the business owner cannot answer the question within a reasonable amount of time, that business owner must pay you $5,000 during that turn (unless you negotiate acceptable term).
When a player lands here, if they can develop a new product for one of their current businesses by; explaining the product and either drawing a logo or singing a jingle for the product, they will receive $10,000 from the bank.
There is one double payday on the board. If you land on this space exactly, you get to roll twice for each business you own for payday. If you do not land on this space but just pass by it, you get your regular payday roll.
You may pay a retainer for a lawyer on your turn before you roll. Lawyer retainer fees are $5,000. If you retain a lawyer, you are protected from some losses in the game. If you do not retain a lawyer before you get into a problem, you are not protected. The cards will explain when a lawyer will help your situation. Every time you use your Lawyer, you must pay another $5,000 if you want to retain the services of a Lawyer.
If you are advance players, seeking more rules or opportunities, simply modify any of these rules for advance game play, such as; number of loans allowed, maximum loan amount, New Reveal rules, etc.).
Once all the players get to the Finish Space, the game is done. Players add up all of the assets they acquired. The person with the most assets wins the game.
Assets= Liquid cash plus value of Property minus outstanding loan to the Bank. Property values are;
Home Based $60,000 for the first business, $25,000 for each additional home-based business
Brick & Mortar $150,000 for each brick & mortar location
- If you have properties that are paid off, count the value of all your properties and add that to your cash holdings.
- If you have properties that are not paid off, you must deduct the balance of the loan from that business.
- Count all your cash.
You have become a savvy entrepreneur. Now go make a name for yourself! Good Luck!
*If you have managed to become a millionaire, every other player (who did not become a millionaire) must say,
“___________, you are a great entrepreneur. Please teach me your wisdom!”